dis·em·bow·el (dsm-boul)
tr.v. dis·em·bow·eled or dis·em·bow·elled, dis·em·bow·el·ing or dis·em·bow·el·ling, dis·em·bow·els
1. To remove the entrails from.
2. To deprive of meaning or substance.

Friday, May 21, 2010

cabin fever (is what i got)

yeah, i just graduated from college, but i've got no plans and nowhere to go. so i'm staying in my smallish, crappyish town to spend a year "planning" my life/live in a cheap ass house with great friends.

this does not mean, however, that i do not/will not suffer from CABIN FEVER

probably eli roth's best, really. giuseppe andrews is incredible, and everyone else is pretty rad. this movie is just gross enough; it's no torture-porn, which is nice. the ~vacation gone bad~ thing is always fun ( house of 1,000 corpses ), even though sometimes it's boring as hell ( creepshow II , i'm sorry, but that evil lake goo part sucked, and so did the rest of the movie).

anyway, the thing is, i can really identify with the doomed-travel theme, having been on two road trips with my family. not kidding: one time, in vermont, we were staying at a timeshare and there was a family that lived in the unit across from ours which i got a numero uno creepy vibe from. shortly after arriving, my sister fell about twenty feet head first through the stairwell breezeway thing, and somehow was only banged and bruised. it was terrifying, but the cherry on top was the woman who lived in that creepster unit drove me to the hospital, and she told me how (A) her young girl had died a tragic death, (B) how her young son has a hernia (??) and, (C) how she's a witch, and practices the dark arts. WHAT. she had this strange smell, and for a few years after the whole thing i swear i could smell it some nights. strange shit, man.

ok, so i've gone off topic majorly: the point is, this movie is your top quality goofy gross out. the only problem i have with it is this:


ok, so there's this part where rider strong is touching his lady friend ~down there~, but she's got the nasty skin disease, but he doesn't know!, so when he brings his hand up from the pleasure zone, and it's covered in blood, he's like WHOA GROSS (he doesn't actually say that, but you get my point). anyway, so her thigh is like disintegrating or whatever, but seriously, i don't need another movie telling me that blood coming out of my vagina is gross. OK. it's hard enough to get boys to treat you normally on your period, and it's even harder to score. eli roth, this part makes it worse. ugh!

other than that, the party is here:



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